Testimonial by: Vanessa Clark 1-10-2011

Hi Diane, I just wanted to say that Kadie and I had a wonderful time this weekend!! It was alot of fun. The breakfast seminar was more than I had ever expected, you both out did yourselves this year, it was amazing and a TON of fun. I was super excited to win something also :).

Wedding Tip #14
If you are having a seasonal wedding (ex. fall) and you have one year to plan, shop ahead and buy your decorations and such after they go on clearance from the year before.
Member Testimonials
Thank You, Thank You! You and your staff did a fabulous job on the expo. My fiancé and I were happy...
Hi, Diane! I just wanted to let you and your husband know you did a wonderful job yesterday at the B...
Diane, Thank you for all of your efforts to put together the site tour for North County! Thanks for ...